Kitchen Garden Program

Strathaird Primary School Kitchen Garden Program is a hands-on initiative that enriches our student’s educational experience. This program teaches both gardening and cooking, with an emphasis on using fresh, garden grown produce. Following the seasons; students plan, plant, grow, care for, harvest, prepare and cook their own food.
The program focuses on:

1. Hands-on Learning: Students actively participate in planting, maintaining and harvesting a garden; allowing them to learn about plant life cycles, soil health, and sustainable gardening practices.
2. Growing Food from Seeds: Students learn how to plant seeds, nurture them as they grow into seedlings and care for them as they develop into mature plants; gaining a deep understanding of the growth process.
3. Seasonal Harvesting: Students learn the importance of harvesting through the seasons, understanding when different crops are ready to be picked and how to plan the garden according to seasonal cycles.
4. Healthy Eating: By growing their own food, students are encouraged to make healthier food choices. The program includes cooking lessons where students prepare meals using the produce they’ve grown and then eat it together.
5. Connection to Curriculum: The program integrates with various other subjects, such as science (plant biology), math (measuring and planning the garden), and social studies (understanding where food comes from).
6. Community Building: The program fosters a sense of teamwork and responsibility as students work together to care for the garden and share the food they’ve grown.
7. Life Skills: Beyond gardening and cooking, students develop skills like problem-solving, time management and patience through their work in the garden.