
Welcome to the Strathaird Primary School Library!

We take great pride in the ability to allow our students to visit and loan out a vast array of books at various times of the day. The more that children read and enjoy books, the greater their knowledge increases as well as their love of reading. Our School Library constantly gets new books in to increase our library collection.

Students visit the library once a week for a 30 minute session, as a class with their classroom teacher. In this time the classroom teacher may read to them or teach them library skills. They have time to explore to themselves different areas of the library or even just sit and read. They can borrow during this time from many different sections to suit their level, taste in genres and topics.

We also allow students to visit the library before and after school to return and borrow books during the times of:

Borrowing Guide:

Prep – 1 Book
Year 1 – 2 Books
Year 2 – 2 Books
Year 3 – 3 Books
Year 4 – 3 Books
Year 5 – 4 Books
Year 6 –  4 Books

Year 6 also have the ability to loan from a special restricted area for greater knowledge and themes. This is dependent on Parent Consent.

Our Library is also open before school from 8.30am – 8.50am and after school from 3.15pm – 3.30pm.